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Synopsis: Like David Cronenberg's The Fly, co-writer and director David Morley's fright flick Mutants turns the horror genre on its head and makes it personal. It's one thing to kill a zombie. But what if the zombie was someone you loved? ER doctor Sonia (Helene de Fougerolles) and her boyfriend Marco (Francis Renaud) take refuge in an abandoned base when a pandemic has turned almost everyone in the world into a flesh-eating monster. But one of the creatures infects Marco and soon Sonia is fighting off zombies, dealing with her own pregnancy and desperately hoping for a cure as Marco literally disintegrates before her eyes. Finally, Sonia faces the truth: the one man worth fighting for has become the one man she must fight against to survive.

Alternate Title(s): Мутанты Russia, Mutants - Du wirst sie töten müssen! Germany (DVD title)

Directed By: David Morlet Genre: Foreign / Horror / Thriller
Cast: Nicolas Briançon, Marie-Sohna Conde, Dida Diafat,
Hélène de Fougerolles, Luz Mandon, Francis Renaud
Year of Production: 2009


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Mutants (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Oct-26-2010
Run Time: 89 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on October 16, 2010)

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