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Synopsis: North Korea is one of the world's most isolated nations. For sixty years, North Koreans have been ruled by a totalitarian regime. A cult of personality surrounds it two recent leaders: first, Kim II Sung, and now, his son, Kim Jong II. For Kim Jong II's 46th birthday, a hybrid begonia named Kimjongilia was created, symbolizing wisdom, love, justice, and peace.tortuous paths of freedom, on rickety sailboats and across mountains passes, while exposing the inhuman conditions they suffered in the nation's concentration camps.

Directed By: N.C. Heikin Genre: Documentary
Cast: none Year of Production: 2009


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Kimjongilia (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Oct-12-2010
Run Time: 74 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on November 12, 2010)

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